
Disability ministry training and certification for the Church

95% of families affected by disabilty are unreached by the Church *

We believe that only the church can fully meet the needs of disabled individuals and families affected by disability.

But outside the church, in the secular hopelessness of the world, they often find more accessible, inclusive, and accommodating communities where they feel they can belong.

Rather than inviting secular thought to influence our churches, our desire is to provide a biblically and theologically based perspective to how we care for the disability community.

Following the example of Jesus’ ministry, the ChurchAble Training and Certification Program provides comprehensive disability ministry training and assessment for churches of all sizes wishing to effectively reach families and individuals in their community who are affected by disability.

Help us set the church apart from the world in our care of those affected by disablity.

We believe the Church should lead the world in care for those with intellectual, physical, sensory, medical, and behavioral disabilities along with their parents, siblings, and caregivers.

While most every Christian church member and pastor would desire to serve the needs of these families and individuals, desire has not translated into practice.

The number one question most churches struggle with is, “Where do we begin?”

Wondering where to start?

Here's how we can help.


Prior to training we have developed a helpful assessment to encourage the things your church is doing well and offer a glimpse into some blindspots you may not be aware of regarding ministry to disabled people and their families.


Our training for church leaders and volunteers provides insight into a theology of disability, how to talk about disability, accessibility of the church, and looks at the day to day lives of families and individuals affected by disabilities.

Culture Development

A huge part of our training focuses on developing a culture of care. We work with your church leaders to develop a wholistic plan that fits your unique church’s needs.


The culmination of our training is a certification and partnership that provides confidence to disability families and disabled individuals looking for an accessible place to experience the hope they can only find in Jesus Christ.


  • We provide training to both the church leadership (staff, elders, deacons, etc.) and to ministry volunteers.

  • It’s free!

    There is no cost for training… ever. We want the church to become the standard for the world in care for the disability community.

    Note: Training is a pre-requisite of the certification, but certification is not required for training.

    (We are always happy to accept a little gas money or lunch!)

  • A certification shows people in the disability community that your church is serious about caring for their needs. It shows that your church leadership and volunteers have put in the work to understand how to include them and their families in worship, discipleship, and community as part of the church. It shows that your church leadership has been thoughtful in how they plan and organize so that families or individuals affected by disability can attend with confidence.

    At the end of the day it simply shows that your church is somewhere they can belong.

  • < 750 church membership - $500/year

    751-1500 church membership - $1000/year

    1501+ church membership - $1/year per church member

    Think of the ChurchAble certification as a mission partnership.

    We want to provide your church with every resource and training we possibly can to reach a very under reached group of people with the hope of the gospel and care for every day life. To do that, we need your support through prayer, volunteers, and finances.